October 2018 Theme – The Master’s Promise

Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus said, “I have come so that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.” During the month of October, we will explore what it means to live The Master’s promise.


October 7, 2018 – “Do You Believe In Magic?”
With an attitude of expectancy, an open heart and a willingness to look beyond the known and into the possibilities, we can create magic in our lives.


October 14, 2018 – “Just Say Yes”
Are you driven by fear or love? Fear constricts, love opens; fear limits, love expands; fear inhibits, love empowers. Today, we will look at saying yes to love as the primary motivator in our lives.


October 21, 2018 – “Catch Your Wave”
Taking a lesson from young surfer Bethany Hamilton as chronicled in her book Soul Surfer, we will learn how to catch our wave to the abundant life.


October 28, 2018 – “Who Ya Gonna Call? Ghostbusters!”
Using the “Ghostbusters” movie as the metaphor, we conclude our month of focus on the Master’s Promise by focusing on the power of Spiritual Mind Treatment/affirmative prayer and eliminating the ghosts (illusions) of fear, doubt, separation, etc.

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