June 2019 Theme – Pathways of Transcendence

Each of us has our unique journey to walk during this human experience. And, while each pathway is unique, there is a common urge within us all to transcend the mundane so that we might experience higher levels of being, thinking and behaving and more closely experience our oneness with the Divine. This month, we look at various Pathways of Transcendence, each one taking us deeper and leading us higher into that desired state of conscious Unity with God.


June 9 – The Pathway of Power
In today’s world of volatile outward experiences, connecting with our internal Power is imperative if we are to weather the storm. The Master Teacher Jesus connected with his internal Power to calm the stormy seas – literally. Today we will explore his Pathway to Power and make it our own.


June 16 – The Pathway of Clarity
Internal clarity is something we all seek, but often cannot find. The noises from the outer world as well as the chatter from within our own heads can serve as great cover ups. We will gather today to uncover the Pathway to Clarity as we move to a place of deep listening to the one clear voice within.


June 23 – The Pathway of Enlighten-Up-ment
In one of his final sermons, our founder Dr. Ernest Holmes said, “I do not even take myself seriously, but I take what I am doing seriously.” Do you take yourself too seriously at times? Perhaps the path to enlightenment is made smoother by lightening up a bit! Today, we walk the lighter side of the Pathway of Transformation.


June 30 – The Pathway of Grace
According to Ramakrishna, “the winds of grace are blowing all the time; all we have to do is raise our sails.” Today, we catch the winds of Divine Grace as we clear a pathway to receive its amazing power.

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