August 2019 Theme – The Secrets of the Millionaire Moses
In the month of August, we will delve into the prosperity secrets of Moses, one of the wealthiest men of the Bible. Using Catherine Ponder’s classic book The Millionaire Moses as our reference, we will reveal the fascinating metaphysical code of this Biblical story and unveil the mysteries Moses knew for ongoing, unlimited prosperity — mysteries as applicable in 2019 as they were 3,500 years ago.
August 4 – The Power of the Great I Am
Moses spent three significant periods in his life, each deepening his prosperity consciousness. Within the second period, he learned the Power of the Great I Am. Today, we will apply these three periods of growth to our lives and discover for ourselves the power of the Great I Am.
August 11 – On the Red Sea
In moving from bondage to freedom, the Israelites needed to cross the Red Sea and have enough food and water to sustain them on their journey, should they make it across. In the physical realm, it was impossible to cross such a vast sea and equally impossible to bring along enough sustenance. Yet, they did cross the Red Sea and they had plenty of food and water. Today, we reveal the profound prosperity promises found in these two “miracles.”
August 18 – Secret Weapon for Prosperity
Your secret weapons for prosperity are symbolized in two incidents in Moses’ life in the desert. From these two events, we can learn how to quickly claim our good even in the face of opposition and even in the midst of hard conditions. Today, these secret weapons will become yours.
August 25 – Prosperity Laws of Opulence
Moses learned the prosperity Laws of Opulence when he was a prince in the Court of Pharaoh. This knowledge enabled him to provide lavishly for his followers over 40 years in the wilderness. By following these prosperity Laws, you too can be lavishly provided for.
September 1 – Speaking the Word of Completion
With all his heart and soul, Moses wanted to take the Israelites out of the wilderness and into the Promised Land. Yes, he failed on both counts. Nonetheless, he knew he had done all he could and realized when you have done all you can about a situation, then you have done all you are supposed to do. By speaking the word of completion and letting go, he opened the way for results to appear. Today, we follow Moses’ lead and speak the word of completion.
August Affirmation
I am one with God and God’s Goodness. I am well, wealthy, whole and happy, and every phase of my life is in Divine Order now!