August 2020 Theme – The Heat is On


It is August, and the heat is on — outdoors as well as here at The Santa Anita Church. This month, we will turn up the heat on the Divine Invitation concepts we explored last month, and particularly those we explored last week. We will deepen into the practices of Blueprinting, Bridging and Building the life that is our answer to the Divine Invitation. It will be a hot month at The Santa Anita Church, so be sure to be with us!


August 2 – But, What Does it Look Like?
Often times, when we are asked to describe what we want, we immediately begin describing what we don’t want. For some reason, that seems easier for us. And while contrasting what “it” is with what “it” isn’t is an important distinction, eventually we must be able to say what the answer to the Divine Invitation looks like and claim it to be ours. Today, we clarify and claim our blueprint for that life.


August 9 – We Actually Can Get There From Here
Yes, we actually can get there from here — if we are willing to bridge the gap, even when the terrain gets shaky and uncomfortable. Today, we will shine the light on what may be causing the bridge to rock and roll, and we will put one foot in front of the other to cross it anyway.


August 16 – A well deserved break
Reverend Terry takes a break this week.


August 23 – The Tools Needed
Hammers, saws, pliers, levels, drills, nail finishers and wrenches, as well as the “know how” to use these tools, are all necessary to erect a new building or structure. Powerful spiritual tools and the “know how” to use them are needed to build a larger consciousness that makes us a welcoming space for our highest dreams and desires. Today, you will receive seven spiritual tools – the Sacred Seven – that will help you build that welcoming consciousness.


August 30 – Building the Life
We’ve blueprinted, we’ve bridged and we’ve employed the Sacred Seven spiritual tools. Today, we turn up the heat by using all of that as the springboard for building the life that is our answer to the Divine Invitation. It is a life that brings us joy and abundance, a life that serves the greater good, a life in which the Divine is expressed uniquely and powerfully as and through us. It is a life that is truly glorious and one each of us richly deserves!


September 6 – The Finished Product – For Now
Today we celebrate a job well done and reap the rewards of a life lived in answer to the Divine Invitation.


This Month’s Affirmation
As I turn up the heat of my intention and combine it with my focused attention, I quickly and easily get from “here” to “there,” realizing that both “here” and “there” are joy-filled, abundant and glorious places to be!

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