February 2022 Theme – Soaring on the Wings of L.O.V.E.


It is a tradition in February to explore the topic of love. Not just romantic love, but the Love of the Divine, which we give expression to – or don’t – depending on how we choose to live. What would your life be like if you chose to soar through life on the wings of L.O.V.E.? Each week this month, we will explore different aspects of L.O.V.E., so come spread your wings and fly with us into Light & Laughter; The Omni-3 (Omnipresence, Omnipotence & Omniscience); Vibrant Vision & Vitality; and, finally, Enlightened Enthusiasm!


February 6 – Light and Laughter
Humor and lightness are gifts of God’s Love. Our ability to laugh in the midst of circumstances and have a light touch on life are indicators of our how much we are living into and from this Love. Today, we shine our Light and Laughter in places that could use a big ol’ dose of God’s Love.


February 13 – The Omni-3
In the religion of our childhood, we may have found the idea of God’s Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience a bit troubling. After all, who wanted an ever-present, all-powerful and all-seeing judge? But, if we look at God from the New Thought perspective, being surrounded by an ever-present, all-powerful and all-seeing Presence of Love is an entirely different story, isn’t it? Today, we feel into that story.


February 20 – Vibrant Vision and Vitality
Love is one of the highest energetic vibrations there is. If we brought Love – Divine Love – to our visions, our hopes and our dreams, think about the vitality they would have. Today, we will do just that.


February 27 – Enlightened Enthusiasm
Enlightened Enthusiasm. Those words sound good together, don’t they? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be so deeply in touch with God’s Love that we felt enthusiasm in everyday events? There are several keys to creating a life of enlightened enthusiasm. Today we are going to learn what the masters have to say about it and explore the paths that will allow us to do just that.


This Month’s Affirmation
Knowing that Love is the strongest drawing power on earth, I attune my heart and my mind to Love and open myself to experience a life I love living.

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