April 2022 Theme – Shining our Brilliance


There was a song released by Rhianna several years ago called “Diamonds,” which talks about how love can “Shine Bright Like a Diamond” and (with a few strategically adjusted lyrics), it could be our theme song for this month. Each and every one of us came into this life to shine bright like a diamond. Perhaps we need a bit of polishing, or the rough edges could be softened, but at our core there is Brilliance with a capital “B” waiting to be shone. This month, we will introduce this idea in a most holy and moving Easter service, and in the other weeks, we will take one of the four “Cs” of rating a diamond’s quality — cut, clarity, color, and carat — and see how each of those qualities supports us in Shining our Brilliance.


April 3 – From Cuts To Brilliance
Your life is like a faceted gem. There are so many aspects that make up YOU! When diamonds are cut, they reveal their brilliance. Join us this week as we explore how your life, just like a gem, can become a brilliant reflection when you make the right cuts.


April 10 – Clarity of Being (Palm Sunday)
Clarity is one of the four ratings of a diamond. Within the clarity rating, there is a five-point scale. Where a diamond lands on that scale plays an important role in determining its value. Today we will explore how we might apply this Diamond Clarity Scale and, in that application, bring a new level of clarity of being into and throughout our lives. Be sure to stay for our sacred rose ceremony at the close of the service.


April 15 – Good Friday Service
A recording of the Good Friday service in it’s entirety.


April 17 – Arise and Shine (Easter Sunday)
As we explore the metaphysics behind Jesus’ resurrection and ascension and look at a number of the profound teachings of this Spiritual Master, we are invited to arise and shine into our own unique Brilliance. Be sure to be with us today for a unique and utterly brilliant experience. And how about inviting a friend? Easter is a wonderful Sunday for that.


April 24 – The Colors & Carats of Your Conviction
A diamond is highly valued by the absence of color. A chemically pure and structurally perfect diamond has no hue, like a drop of pure water. When we reflect Source at the highest level, we are exactly like this, so transparent that only God shines through. How you choose to color your life is paramount to Shining your Brilliance. The final quality that gives a diamond its value is its weight, which is measured in carats. Larger diamonds are rarer than smaller diamonds; consequently, the value rises exponentially as the diamond gets larger. What carat is your conviction that you are a walking, talking manifestation of God? How large is your trust in yourself as an expression of God? We will address these weighty questions . . . and more . . . on our last Sunday of shining bright like a diamond.


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