June 2022 Theme – Seeing God In Everything
When you look around at your friends, your family, your employment situation, even your world, do you see them only from the surface level or do you see God in them? This month, in a variety of ways, we will take opportunities to see God in everything as we deepen into the profound Truth – we really are all one.
June 5 – Your Highest Intent
What is the highest intent any of us can ever have? And, did you know that when you align with it, the Universe aligns with you? This morning, we will unwrap this intent and will pose a series of questions to help us stay aligned with it 24/7.
June 12 – Get Your Big ‘But’ Out of the Way
How often do we look away from God by saying, “yes this is great, BUT …”? Today, we’ll look at getting that “but” out of the way.
June 19 – Listening to the Oracle Voice
Within each of us resides an “Oracle,” a wise, all knowing one. We have the innate ability to access that Oracle within ourselves and to call it forth from others on our behalf. Today, we will explore and then practice this idea.
June 26 – Making a Holy Covenant
New Thought giant Emma Curtis Hopkins suggests that we see God more clearly in everything when we walk in close faith and trust. In order to do that, she suggests making a holy Covenant that goes something like this: “I covenant with the God of my Being for my health (for example); and I will do nothing to preserve my health; my health is in the health of Spirit.” We’ll make this practice personal to all who attend this service.
This Month’s Affirmation
When I look here, I see God. When I look there, I see God. Wherever I look, I see the beauty, the power and the magnificence of God.