July 2022 Theme – The Freedom Factor
As we celebrate the independence of our nation this month, we will also celebrate the idea of being free – truly free. Each week, we will apply the “Freedom Factor” to a different aspect of our lives and emerge stronger, more empowered Incarnations of the Divine.
July 3 – Freedom to Stand For
In his Sermon by the Sea, Religious Science founder Dr. Ernest Holmes said: “Find me one person who is for something and against nothing, who is redeemed enough not to condemn others out of the burden of his soul, and I will find another savior, another Jesus, and an exalted human being.” This Sunday, even in the face of so many things in our world we could stand “against,” we will take our place among the exalted human beings as we stand for goodness, love and harmony.
July 10 – Freedom to Be Me
It is a fundamental tenet of New Thought that we are each perfect, unique individual expressions of God. But, as you were molded and shaped by your upbringing and environment, were you given the freedom to be you? Many of us were not. This Sunday, together, we experience the freedom to start anew so that we can be who we were meant to be.
July 17 – Freedom to Experience Peace
A wise woman once said: “Peace is not the absence of conflict, but serenity in the midst of it.” At every moment of every day, we are free to experience peace – or not. Often, we make the unconscious choice for “or not.” How might we change that automatic, conditioned response which creates a less-than-peaceful experience? Find out this Sunday.
July 24 – Freedom to Find Wisdom
The Jewish Torah reads: “Happy and free are those who find wisdom … She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare to her … Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace … Get wisdom, get insight; do not forget!” This Sunday we explore the power of finding wisdom and our inherent freedom to do so.
July 31 – Freedom to Love
We conclude our exploration of “The Freedom Factor” by looking at the greatest freedom of all – the freedom to know ourselves as love and the freedom to choose the companions, activities, and experiences that we love. Be sure to be with us this Sunday as we feel the love!
This Month’s Affirmation
Freedom is my Divine Birthright. Therefore, I freely choose to stand for goodness, love and harmony. I freely choose to be who I came here to be, I freely choose to experience peace, I freely choose to find my inner wisdom, and I freely choose to love. In this freedom, I am Divinely blessed, and I am a Divine blessing.