September 2022 Theme – Living From Your Power


This month’s message needs 5 weeks to be fully realized, so week 5 will spill-over to the first Sunday in October. Why does it need 5 weeks? Because we’ll be exploring an acronym that brings new enlightenment to living from a place of True Power – and the acronym has 5 letters: P.O.W.E.R. When we can realize and live from a place of Divine P.O.W.E.R., our lives seem to fall into place, our hearts are filled with joy and purpose, our relationships are stronger and deeper, we live our dreams daily, and really become the change our hearts are yearning for. Join us this month as we create a P.O.W.E.R.-filled experience at the Santa Anita Church!


September 4 – Passion and Purpose: Two Sides of the Same Coin (Rev. Terry)
We set the tone for this month by looking at Passion and Purpose, which are two sides of the same coin. We will explore what passion looks like in our lives and learn new ways to activate it to live on purpose. When we are living our passion and purpose, we are truly beginning to live from our Power.


September 11 – An Experience of Oneness (Rev. Gina)
We talk a lot about Oneness, but this Sunday we will have an experience of Oneness in a new way, and look at feeling that Oneness within our own souls. As we recognize our Oneness with all life here on earth and beyond into the Universe, from the minute, to the magnificent, we see that All Power for Good is already ours.


September 18 – Our Wholly, Holy Worthiness (Rev. Terry)
Sometimes when we start living our passion and purpose and connect with our Oneness, old recordings can start trying to tell us we are not worthy of the life we are creating. This Sunday we will start the process of replacing those voices with empowering ones as we find our Wholly, Holy Worthiness.


September 25 – The Evolutionary Road (Rev. Gina)
Life is all about learning, growing, changing, and evolving. However, there are times we get in a groove and want things to stay just as they are. This Sunday we will look at how to go with the flow of change, instead of holding on to the “old” for dear life. From our beliefs, to our bodies, Life is in a constant state of change, and when we learn to let go and let Evolution unfold, we step into another level of our Power.


October 2 – Let Our Radiant Light Shine (Rev. Gina)
When we are living on purpose, with passion, connected to our Oneness with All, knowing that we are inherently worthy of all the Good of the Universe, and embracing the now, by letting go of the past…We step into the Radiant Light of the Divine that lives within us. Join us as we stand in our P.O.W.E.R. and Let Our Radiant Light Shine!


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