January 2023 Theme – How Shall We Live This Year?
As the calendar changes once again, we have an opportunity to begin anew. What shall this year bring for you? Is your desire for greater joy, harmony, peace, and plenty and would you like your desires to express themselves with ease and grace? If so, join us this month as we use foundational principles of the Science of Mind to set the tone for the year, both in your personal life and in the life of our spiritual community.
January 1 – A New Design for Living (Rev. Gina)
How shall you design your life this year? What do you intend to create, and in what kind of energy and atmosphere? On this first day of the year, you will have an opportunity to articulate an intention and a theme for 2023 for your own life and for our Santa Anita Church.
January 8 – Answering Life’s Call (Rev. Gina)
Are you answering life’s call or are you just letting the phone ring? This Sunday choose to answer the call by “L” – Letting go of the past; “I” – Imagining a greater life; “F” – Freeing yourself to choose; and “E” – Expressing your Divinity.
January 15 – It’s Your Life – Live It! (Rev. Gina)
Dr. Robert Schuller authored a book entitled, ‘If It’s To Be, It’s Up to Me’. In it, he wrote: “The 21st century belongs first and foremost to a new mental breed of humans driven by a strong, sensitive, spiritual individualism.” The truth is, there is only one person on Earth who can dream your dreams. That person is YOU! Likewise, there is only one person alive who can kill that dream. That person is you as well! So, what shall it be?
January 22 – A Life – and a World – at Peace (Rev. Gina)
January 30 marks the beginning of the Season for Non-Violence – 64 days between the anniversaries of the death of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Gandhi once said, “we must be the change we wish to see in the world.” As we conclude this series, we will look being the change in 2023 by living a life of peace, which can lead to a world at peace.
January 29 – Questions from the Congregation
Join Rev. Gina and Rev. Terry as they answer questions from the congregation this week! Have a burning question about our faith, Science of Mind, or how to approach every situation with love and positivity? Now’s your chance.