June 2023 Theme – From Surviving to Striving to Thriving


Many of us spent what seemed to be a lifetime just trying to survive. At some point in our journey of unfoldment, we may have moved into the place of striving — striving to make our lives turn out the way we wanted. And many of us have been successful with that mode of operation. But there is yet another way to be and that is to thrive. During this month, we will explore what it means to move out of the place of merely surviving to releasing the struggle of striving and then to being in the sweet space of thriving – knowing that when we thrive we are in the space of Pure Potentiality and Creativity in which Spirit meant for us to be! Each Sunday will build on the previous, so don’t miss a single one. And, those attend every Sunday of this series will receive a special gift on the last Sunday of the month.


June 4 – Are You Surviving, Striving or Thriving? (Rev. Terry)
In this service, we will define what it means to survive, what it means to strive and what it means to thrive by exploring concepts from the “Why Me, By Me, Through Me, As Me” model as well as from other models of consciousness.


June 11 – Uncovering Your Striving Strategies (Rev. Terry)
Once we move into the “striving mode,” we develop personal ways of being to be successful in the world. They become who we are and, up to a point, they can be very effective. But, those strategies will not take us to the place of thriving. This Sunday, we will investigate what those strategies might look like.


June 18 – The Last Word on Surrender (Rev. Terry)
Before we can begin to thrive, we must release any notion of should be, ought to be, what is right and what is wrong, realizing that, once we have done all we know to do, the outcome is not in our hands – life will simply turn out the way it turns out. This is the ultimate definition of surrender, which can lead to complete freedom!


June 25 – Are You Willing to Accept the Impossible? (Rev. Terry)
Once we experience the freedom of true surrender, we are ready to move into the place of willingness to create that which previously seemed impossible. Are you willing to accept that the impossible just might be possible?


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Have you or one of your loved ones been affected by the Eaton fire, or other local fires? Whether you're in need of tangible goods or need a place to express your feelings, The Santa Anita Church community is here to help. Reach out to our church office or join us at the Fire Support Group held every 2nd and 4th Friday.