July 2023 Theme – The Divine Invitation
The Sufi Mystic and Poet Hafiz once wrote: “You’re invited to meet the Divine. No one can resist a Divine invitation. That narrows down all our choices to just two: You can come to the Divine dressed for dancing or be carried on a stretcher to God’s ward.” This month, we will explore answering that Divine Invitation “dressed for dancing” as we uncover how the Divine shines through our dreams!
July 2 – The Third Way (Rev. Terry)
Many of us have learned to answer the Divine Invitation that beckons us as our dreams by gaining clarity on our vision and then by visualizing, affirming and praying them into manifest. And that has worked a lot of the time! We also know that loving ourselves and our lives exactly as they are is a creative place to be and that has worked to bring our dreams into form at times as well! Both of these techniques are well and good – and, yet, there is a third way that aligns us even more fully and completely with the Divine Invitation. This Sunday, we explore that way.
July 9 – From Paradigm to Paradise (Rev. Terry)
We each have our own set of paradigms or glasses through which we view the world. These personal viewpoints of the “way things are” may cloud our ability to perceive or even consider new or different Divine Ideas. They will keep us stuck in the “what is” and prevent us from achieving the greater “what can be.” And, make no mistake, the Divine Invitation is always toward the greater “what can be.” Would you be willing this Sunday to move from paradigms to paradise? If so, be sure to be with us!
July 16 – Paradise Awaits (Rev. Terry)
Last week we explored moving from our paradigms to paradise in a powerful way. This Sunday, we continue our exploration into a paradigm that seems to haunt most every human being and which lays us out on the stretcher every time! If you are ready to get off the stretcher and put on your dancing shoes, then this Sunday is your day, and paradise awaits.
July 23 – Dancing with the Divine Invitation (Rev. Terry)
This Sunday we dance with the Divine Invitation by taking three specific steps toward the life of our dreams. Just as each dance step is critical to the overall flow and beauty of a dance, so is each of these steps critical to living from the Divine Invitation! Cha! Cha! Cha!
July 30 – Questions from the Congregation
Join Rev. Gina and Rev. Terry as they again answer questions from the congregation this week! Have a burning question about our faith, Science of Mind, or how to approach every situation with love and positivity? Now’s your chance.
Daily Affirmation
I say yes to the Divine Invitation. By releasing that which no longer serves and embracing that which now does, I express my gifts, shine my light and dance with the Divine into the life of my highest dreams and aspirations.