October 2023 Theme – Go Up, Then Out


In our action-oriented society, we can often move into “doing” before we anchor ourselves in Source and in the Divine Wisdom, Freedom, Love, Joy, Peace and Abundance of Source that lives within us. We can often become so outer-driven that we forget first to be inner/upward-directed. But Ernest Holmes in The Science of Mind tells us, “. . . the control of affairs is from within out and not from without” OR Charles Fillmore tells us in Talks on Truth, “[our] . . . external, striving, wandering must stop its restless seeking without, and repose at the center.” Each week this month, we take the time to go IN and UP to the Source of our Being before we move OUT into action.


October 1 – Seven Up, Part I
Today, we set the stage for our month by exploring three and a half of seven upward ideas (Lift Up, Look Up, Lighten Up and a little bit of Make It Up) that will cause tremendous inner movement and support the outward expression of Wisdom, Freedom, Love, Joy, Peace and Abundance in our lives. This will truly be an UP-lifting experience, so be sure to be with us!


October 8 – Seven Up, Part II
Continuing the journey of causing inner movement that supports the outward expression of the life we desire, today we finish our “Seven Up” series as we Make It Up, Kick It Up, Give It Up and Start It Up. Between this week and last, you will have the complete package!


October 15 – Up, Up and Away
It is when we first choose to go up (as we’ve done for the past two weeks) and then send away that which no longer serves that we can truly soar in the beautiful balloon of life in which we are meant to ride. Did you catch the references to a 1967 Grammy-winning song? If not, come and learn what it is while being profoundly moved. If so, come and celebrate your 60’s music savvy and be profoundly moved! Either way, it will be a morning to remember.


October 22 – Is It Really Up to Me?
Robert Schuller once wrote a book entitled, “If It’s Going to Be, It’s Up to Me.” Our question of the day is, “Is it really only up to me?” In answering that question, we will unravel a seeming paradox of our New Thought teachings after which we will engage in a sacred ceremony to anchor going in and up before going out.


October 29 – Whatcha Gonna Do?
We’re coming up with something special for this last week of October. Will we have another Q&A session with our ministers, Rev. Terry & Rev. Gina? Will we tell tales of miracles? Will we have a guest speaker? The mystery will be revealed…but you’ll have to come to see what it is!


Daily Affirmation
I consciously choose to turn within and go up to the Source of Divine Wisdom, Freedom, Love, Joy, Peace and Abundance before moving out into the world!

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