December 2023 Theme – Holiday Light
During this holiday time of year, we sometimes feel we have too many things to do and too little time to do them, winding up harried and hurried. Or, for some, this time of year intensifies past or current hurts and sorrows, and we spend the month in sadness. This month at the Santa Anita Church, we will gather each week to release all of that as we learn how to experience the L-I-G-H-T of the holidays – Living Inside God’s Highest Truth.
December 3 – Your Christ Light (Rev. Gina)
In the Science of Mind Textbook, Ernest Holmes wrote, “In studying the life and teaching of Jesus, the most unique character of history, we discover a few simple ideas underlying his philosophy, the embodiment of which enabled him to become the Christ.” This Sunday, we will look at two of those simple, yet transforming ideas, the embodiment of which will illuminate our Christ Light. [NOTE: The audio quality of this track may be degraded as it was recorded in the Fellowship Hall as part of our Annual Pancake with Butter & Sermon service.]
December 10 – Shining Your Light (Rev. Gina)
As expressions of God, the Great Giver of Life, we each express our Highest Truth and shine our lights most brilliantly when we choose to be givers to life — not in obligatory ways, but because it is our Divine Nature to give. This Sunday we look at gifts we can share that don’t cost a cent and what it is like to adopt the Buddhist attitude of being a “kingly” giver.
December 17 – The Light Inside (Rev. Gina)
We are all familiar with the elements of the Christmas story – Jesus was born in a stable because there was no room in the inn surrounded by shepherd and wise men who had followed a star to be with him. As colorful as this story may be, this is the outside story of Christmas. This Sunday, we will look at the INSIDE story of Christmas and how it can lead to our living in the Light.
December 24 – The Christmas Light (Christmas Eve morning)
Many come to our annual candlelight service at 7pm Christmas Eve, but because it lands on a Sunday this year, we have the unique opportunity to offer a break from the norm. Enter into quiet contemplation as we open our minds and hearts to the significance of the Holy night ahead in this meditative and powerfully moving service.
December 24 – The Other Wise Man (Christmas Eve evening)
Learn of the fourth wise man as the story of his journey to deliver his three precious gifts to the new born king weaves in and around the life of Jesus.
(full service audio)
December 31 – Be Ye the Light (Rev. Gina)
We bring our month and the year 2023 to a close by focusing on our Light. Not only will we focus on our Light, but we will build our body of light through a powerful meditative experience you won’t want to miss.