Separating from Ego


Having moved into the NOW and learned how to released the Judgement of ourselves and others, we turn toward the root of our separation from living in the now – the source of judgement – as we focus on getting to know our Ego so we can give it a proper & permanent time-out.


August 4 – Ergo, Ego
The Ego is the custodian of separation. If you are caught in the world of the mind, which is a world of separation and illusion, then the Ego is in control. If we are to awaken, then we must get to know our own Ego. This week, explore Leonard Jacobson’s two step process to learn how our Ego pulls us out of the present moment and how to return to it.


August 11 – Go Ego, Go
Taking the lead from the late Alan Watts, Rev. Gina explores the idea that what we know as “I” is really the ego expressing its feelings through us. In order to step away from the ego, we must stop feeling alone IN the universe and start being what we truly are, an integral part OF the universe.


August 18 – Who Are You Really?
Ego is a masterful magician constantly drawing our attention away from the truth of who we are. Whether it uses missteps or traumatic events of our past or the worries and concerns of the future, it is easy to believe the misdirection of Ego. To truly see behind the curtain of Ego’s illusion, we must speak directly to it and tell it to shut up and take a time out so that we can awaken.


August 25 – It’s Time To See Your ID
It is difficult to see beyond the facade Ego paints for us. But when we see Ego picking up its brush to paint a new scene, we must tell Ego to stop and remind it who we really are – a being made in the image and likeness of God. We were made OF God, and as such our fundamental self is not something just inside our skin, but everything around us with which we connect.


September 1 – Lego My Ego
Playing on the decades old catch phrase for a popular toaster waffle, this week Rev. Gina wraps up here series on the Ego. Rather than a statement to a friend or family member to unhand their breakfast, the aim this week is to release ourselves from the control the Ego has over our lives by, as Jesus said, becoming like a child. Join us as we learn to return to play.

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