
Love Much?

How to be Love
Love Much?

Following the catastrophic week of heavy wind and fire devastating the Los Angeles area, Rev. Gina harkens back to recent sermons on living in the Now and slaying our fear dragons with a reminder that Love can conquer the fear and anger that many in the region may have.

Much Love

How to be Love
Much Love

The Burning Bowl concept is reintroduced as a reminder of how to release our disharmony so we can fully express our love. Continuing a look into how to be Love, Rev. Gina creatively uses her body as a metaphor for the interconnectedness of all that is and tells a beautiful story from the Kuan Yin Chronicles.

Love Is…

How to be Love
Love Is...

We have been trained to live from a place where we play silly games to keep others’ opinions of us high. In doing so, we become so busy in living for the acceptance of others, that we forget to live for ourselves. Put another way, we are in a constant state of calling out for love. But when we are calling out, we cannot truly, deeply BE the love that this world so desperately needs us to be.

How to BE Love

How to be Love
How to BE Love

There is no question for which love is not the answer. No problem for which love is not the solution. No cause for which love is not the means. When we know this, fundamentally, we’re open to hear and see our angel-moments.


Transforming Your Dragons: How to Turn Fear Patterns into Personal Power by José Stevens
The Santa Anita Church Sermons

Wrapping up Jose Stevens’ Transforming Your Dragons with the final dragon of Stubbornness, Rev. Gina ties together all seven fear dragons just in time for the holidays and reveals the ultimate weapon that each of us possess that can slay them all.

Dragon Pancakes!?

Transforming Your Dragons: How to Turn Fear Patterns into Personal Power by José Stevens
The Santa Anita Church Sermons
Dragon Pancakes!?

The fifth and sixth dragons, Greed and Self-Destruction, hit hard as Rev. Gina continues stepping through the next two fear dragons from Jose Stevens’ book Transforming Your Dragons. Both of these dragons tug at the heart-strings and remind us all that having a good support system is critical when working through your dragon.

Meet Your Dragons

Transforming Your Dragons: How to Turn Fear Patterns into Personal Power by José Stevens
The Santa Anita Church Sermons
Meet Your Dragons

Moving into the next two fear dragons of Impatience and Martyrdom, Rev. Gina continues to walk through the book Transforming Your Dragons by Jose Stevens. Sharing Stevens’ insights on how our dragons developed, what tools are needed to transform them, and ultimately how to slay them, the fear and upheaval present before the first Christmas are paralleled to current events.