Inspired by Dr. Ethel Barnhart’s dream to provide a space to cultivate and teach the importance of morals and ethical standards, Barnhart School (originally known as The Santa Anita Church Day School) opened its doors to local families in the fall of 1959. Her vision to provide a balanced program offering academic challenge, creative teaching, and artistic expression created a strong foundation and legacy for the school today. Initially offering classes to students in grades K-6, Barnhart expanded its program to include 7th and 8th graders in 1986. Barnhart School challenges each student academically, with an emphasis on self-discipline and self-direction. Each student experience offers lessons in not only a rigorous curriculum, but of the natural world, the inner world of the self, and the world of one’s relationships with one another. This helps guide the development of a healthy, wholesome, and well-rounded child that prepares the student for the various social roles that will be encountered throughout life.
Barnhart continues to provide an exceptional educational program in an atmosphere of respect, love, and integrity while encouraging students to develop independence, responsibility, and the ability to reach their full potential.
The Barnhart School
240 West Colorado Blvd.
Arcadia, CA 91007
Phone: 626-446-5588
Web: http://www.barnhartschool.org