The Cross

The Cross

The Cross hanging in the Tower of Light

Suspended over the altar table in the Tower of Light is a Lucite cross. When the cross was delivered to the church during the initial construction, the maker apologized for an internal flaw at the intersection of the arms. Those present when the box was opened found that the center was cracked noticeably. They prepared to send it back to the manufacturer, when Ethel Barnhart, founder of The Santa Anita Church, spoke in her gentle and knowing way, “It is that way for a reason. It will stay.” When the vendor offered to remake the cross, Ethel replied, “That won’t be necessary, It’s perfect just the way it is.” Many have since speculated that perhaps she saw the fractures as a symbol of humanity’s fragile nature, or of Spirit’s unwavering and absolute love for all living things. We can only imagine her reasoning, and employ our own wisdom while gazing upon the cross.